Our Pest Control Services
Need same day service? Call us at 661-720-6040 before 12:00 PM, Monday through Friday!
We know you’re putting a lot of trust in our hands. Our team is highly trained and trustworthy.
We do our work in a way that ensures your family is kept safe before, during, and after service.
Our Rodent and Pest Control Services
Bat Control
Please give us a call for more information on this service.
We know how scary waking up to red welts, rashes, and hives due to bed bug bites can be. So if you’ve spent the last few nights tossing and turning, we can help! You see, bed bugs are troublesome pests. They’re sneaky, hard to find, and can cause potential health problems. Armed with 12 years of experience and state-of-the-art products/tools, Bez Valley Pest Control is well-equipped to help you get rid of bed bugs for good!
Bees are important because they pollinate the flowers of many plant species. Furthermore, bees only attack people when their territory is threatened. The problem is these stings are painful and can be deadly if the person being stung is allergic and goes into anaphylaxis shock. So if you have bees or hives on your property, you’ll want to get rid of them as soon as possible! Our team is trained to remove all types of bees, plus we can pre-treat your home to prevent them from settling in the first place.
Bird Control
Please give us a call for more information on this service.
Not only do fleas annoy cats and dogs, but they also bite humans, causing skin irritation, allergies, and diseases like typhus and tularemia. So we recommend putting your pets on a flea and tick prevention, then calling the experts at Bez Valley Pest Control to treat your property. This combination will ensure your family and four-legged friends are protected from fleas, especially during the warmer months.
Believe it or not, spiders are a beneficial pest. They are skilled predators, using their webs to trap unsuspecting pests in and around your home. And, while most house spiders are harmless, discovering their webs can be an unsettling experience. Keep in mind the venomous variety (black widow, brown recluse, etc.) do not create webs indoors, so if you stumble upon these pests while you’re outside, please give us a call. Bites are rarely fatal, but they are very painful, and it’s better to be safe than sorry!
Squirrel Control
Please give us a call for more information on this service.
Dealing with ticks is an ugly process that is best left to the professionals to be done right. If you suspect there is a tick problem in your home, fumigation may be necessary to kill all other inactive hosts waiting for a victim to latch on to. Call our professionals today for a free estimate.

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